This Award-Winning Tutorial â€" Total Training for Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended: Essentials is learning the way it needs to be; informative and engaging with fast results. Follow along with real-world techniques, and time-saving tips presented in a clear, concise manner that put the power of the world’s leading image editing software in your hands.More than 6 hours of tutorials. Course outline on next page.

Five New Features covered in this title:
1. The Refine Radius Tool
2. Content-aware healing and fills
3. The Mixer Brush
4. Live Workspace updates
5. Mini Bridge

Chapter 1: THE BIG PICTURE (35 min)
1. Pixels & Resolution
2. Color
3. Exploring the Interface
4. Choosing File Formats
5. Viewing & Navigating Images

Chapter 2: SETTING UP LIKE A PRO (22 min)
1. Setting User Preferences
2. Choosing Color Settings
3. Customizing the Workspace
4. Essential Keyboard Shortcuts
5. Using Rulers & Guides

Chapter 3: GLOBAL EDITING (31 min)
1. Understanding the Histogram & Levels
2. Learning the Curves Tool
3. Exploring Hue & Saturation
4. Cropping & Straightening
5. Adjusting Color Balance
6. Creating a Black & White Image

Chapter 4: MAKING SELECTIONS (21 min)
1. Manual Selection Tools
2. Using the Quick Selection Tool
3. Creating Color-Based Selections & Saving Selections

1. Using Adjustment Layers
2. Understanding Layer Masks
3. Creating Gradient Masks
4. Applying Layer Blend Modes
5. Snapshots & the History Brush

Chapter 6: THE FIXER-UPPER (26 min)
1. The Retouching Tools, including Content-Aware Fill
2. Removing Noise from an Image
3. Cloning with Perspective with the Vanishing Point Filter
4. Adjusting Perspective with the Lens Correction Filter
5. Content-Aware Scaling

Chapter 7: TYPE DESIGN (35 min)
1. Working with Type
2. Paragraph & Character Formatting Options
3. Typing on a Path
4. Applying Layer Styles to Type

Chapter 8: VECTORS, SHAPES & PATHS (22 min)
1. Vectors & the Shape Tools
2. Creating Paths
3. Saving & Loading Paths as Selections
4. Subtracting, Adding Intersecting, & Excluding

Chapter 9: SMART OBJECTS (16 min)
1. Vector Graphics as Smart Objects
2. Creating & Replacing Smart Objects
3. Creating Multiple Instances of a Smart Object
4. Smart Objects Deserve Smart Filters

Chapter 10: ADOBE BRIDGE (24 min)
1. Exploring the Workspace
2. Searching & Organizing Files
3. Leveraging Metadata
4. Outputting
5. Using Mini Bridge

Chapter 11: PHOTOSHOP CAMERA RAW (37 min)
1. Using the Basic Panel
2. Applying Selective Edits
3. Converting to Black & White
4. Repairing an Image

Chapter 12: IMAGE LAYERS & ALPHA CHANNELS (18 min)
1. Manipulating Image Layers
2. Mastering the Layers Panel
3. Creating Layer Groups & Comps

Chapter 13: COMPOSITING IMAGES (18 min)
1. Combining Images & Merging the Best Elements
2. Creating Panoramas
3. Auto-Aligning Layers
4. Refine Edges

Chapter 14: WORKING WITH BRUSHES (27 min)
1. Exploring the Brush Panel
2. Creating a Custom Brush
3. Changing Brush Dynamics
4. Painting with the Mixer Brush

Chapter 15: PRINT & WEB OUTPUT (18 min)
1. Sharpening Images with Smart Sharpen
2. Setting Up the Print Dialog Box
3. Saving for the Web
4. Credits

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